If you’re a first-time Hookah smoker, choosing the right flavours does not come easily. It takes a good amount of research and finding out, before you are sure that the flavours you have selected are the flavours that are apt for a first-time hookah smoker like you.
1) Online research will help you in gathering information Check out the discussions on popular Hookah forums by smokers. Also follow popular Hookah bloggers who keep posting interesting information.
2) Your local tobacco store can be of great help We suggest you ask the Hookah store assistant about which flavours are in running demand with majority Hookah smokers. 3) If in doubt, settle for popular flavours If you are not sure about your first Hookah flavour, it is best to begin with popular fruity flavours like Double Apple, Grape, and Mango. You can also try spicy flavours like Pan Raas for a different experience.
If you want to enjoy the perfect Hookah / Shisha smoking experience, it takes some smart planning and intelligent thinking. If you feel that choosing the best quality flavour is enough for experience a fabulous Hookah / Shisha session, think again. The three important elements of a satisfying Hookah / Shisha experience are the finest quality Shisha flavour, best quality Charcoal and a thick Shisha Foil.
AFZAL tobacco flavoured molasses and SOEX Herbal flavoured molasses are the preferred Hookah flavour choices of Hookah / Shisha lovers worldwide. Every day, millions of Hookah / Shisha smokers enjoy our flavours for entering a world of smoke filled with ecstasy. Our vast range of flavours satisfies even the most demanding Hookah / Shisha smokers. From the regular favourites to exclusive creations, SoeX India Pvt. Ltd. offers every conceivable Hookah / Shisha flavour.
Once you have selected your favourite flavour, we move on to the next important element of a deeply satisfying Hookah / Shisha experience: Charcoal for burning the flavour. If you select an ordinary charcoal brand for burning our flavours, you will almost certainly end up ruining your Hookah / Shisha session! Ordinary charcoals contain harmful chemicals that will interfere with the flavour; which means you will not enjoy the full bodied taste of the flavour. Choose only SoeX Quick-Lite or Charco-Lite Charcoal Tablets from the trusted house of SoeX India Pvt. Ltd. These charcoal tablets are completely odorless and ignite instantly, which means you will enjoy the full freedom of your Shisha, along with the fragrance and taste of the tobacco flavour. These tablets are great for enjoying Shisha when you are travelling, as you just need to ignite them with a match-stick or lighter and get started.
Now we move on to the third and equally important step towards enjoying a fabulous Hookah / Shisha smoking experience: Shisha Foil which you will place between the charcoal tablets and the Hookah / Shisha Flavour. Unlike regular foils which are thin and cannot sustain the heat of the burning charcoal-tablet, Afzal Aluminium Foils are specially manufactured using advanced heat-resistant technology for effectively sustaining the burning charcoal-tablet.
Made from thicker-micron foil, Afzal Aluminium Foils are Hookah flavour friendly and can handle the burning molasses without burning them and spoiling the taste of the flavour. This enables you to fully enjoy the real flavour taste and a satisfying Shisha session, without experiencing any burning sensation in the throat.
For experiencing a perfectly divine Hookah smoking experience, you should always use the following winning mantra:
AFZAL Tobacco Hookah Molasses and SoeX Herbal Hookah Molasses